Extended contributions to the community.

Awarded 13 years ago (2011-06-26)

Posted by Kean

Import 'Internal Affairs Excellence Award'

House Sitter Guards are often over looked in the job department, but without these members watching over our nations in our times of need- Many of us would not be here today. Thanks to Adude, The department has thrived, and lived up to its expectations. For his excellence in HSG, I Herby award Adude the Internal Affairs Excellence award.

Awarded 14 years ago (2010-12-29)

Posted by Red

Import 'Internal Affairs Excellence Award'

As Overseer of House Sitter Guard it has been a pleasure working with ADude. ADude's dedication to the betterment of House Sitter Guard is visible in the quality of his work. ADude has been putting many hours into compiling a House Sitter Master Guard list and his aid has been invaluable to me. I am grateful to ADude for all he has done and for that I thank him.

Awarded 14 years ago (2010-08-31)

Posted by Tombed

Import 'Meritorious Recruiters Medal'