Dedicated Pacifican awards for AlphaCenturion
Awarded 2 years ago (2022-08-22)
For service during the ranked war with Legitimate Business. They contributed substansial work to the organization and management while also adding in 228 war hits and assists directly against Legitimate Business.
Awarded 2 years ago (2022-05-16)
From Strength I'd like to acknowledge our members Euphe (1943), AlphaCenturion (1363) and Trilobyte (1486) for their contributions in our chains over the past year, such an amazing effort makes possible the upgrades that Strength members can enjoy. Additionally I'd like to thank AlphaCenturion and Trilobyte for their contributions to Military Command, particularly during our chains and fighting during our ranked wars.
Awarded 4 years ago (2020-12-17)
In our first year in Torn, despite the shifts and changes a new branch goes through, there has been a constant, shinning light of hard work and overall excellence in service and contribution. Alpha Centurion or AC as he's known to many has constantly delivered some of the highest chain average hits, respect gains, total merits, gym gains and almost any metric you can measure. All while donating his money and items on numerous occasions to help his fellow Pacificans to also achieve more. You would be hard pressed to find a better example of what a "Dedicated Pacifican" should be like. When notifying our allied faction that AC would be moving over to use their gym gains for a month, I said to them "he's one of our best" and that's in a nutshell how I would sum up AC.