Consistent long term leadership contributions furthering a specific aspect of the Order.

Awarded 4 years ago (2020-12-17)

Posted by Emperor Ice

Amyameretta joined our ranks over 8 years ago, and she has spent much of that time serving the Order's interests in the economic department of our Cybernations branch. During her tenure in econ, she presided over a period of intense expansion to recruit and build technology banks. Unprecedented in scale, Amy helped the Order achieve dominance in tech exports which has fueled our upper tier dominance. Helping us win Cybernations might be sufficient for a Pacifican Vanguard award, but Amy has contributed much more to econ over the years. Amy managed the day-to-day operations of econ for several years, wrangling a small army of people to fill aid slots and allocate wonder funding. She adeptly managed econ as it went through multiple restructures in response to innovations in automation and shifting priorities in a shrinking game. But most importantly, Amy has always engaged with discussion on how best to serve the economic needs of the Order. As such, she is an excellent recipient of the Pacifican Vanguard award.

Posted by Lord of Darkness

In addition to her economic and nation development management contributions, Amy has organized several notable cultural events and phenomena during the past few years. The most notorious - at least in the view of a certain SynysterGates - of which were orchestrated during 2017 and 2018, and involved knitting a strawberry themed dress as well as staging the wedding of Syn and Nemphesis following a drunken proposal to Nemphesis. In 2019 she organized the "Let's Move Challenge" and "Pacifican Cookbook" events.