Extended contributions to the community.

Awarded 4 years ago (2021-01-01)

Posted by Eric the Red

Biowulf joined the Praetorian Guard in September 2014, making him the longest serving current member of the department. Biowulf was promoted to Centurion in 2017 and In 2018 he was promoted to the rank of Tribune, the second highest rank in the guard. Tribunes work largely behind the scenes on OPSEC tasks vital to the security of the Order. During the height of his career in the Guard he devoted considerable time to completing over 287 tasks to help audit applicants and keep Pacifica safe. Biowulf has made admittance decisions on 32 applications in his time as a Tribune and has been awarded one each, gold, silver and bronze star in the PG Merit awards.

Awarded 9 years ago (2015-07-01)

Posted by McAwesome

Import 'Mentor Award of Recognition'