Exceptional service and/or leadership. For those who go above and beyond in their work in an area or who contribute leadership wise to further their respective area.

Awarded 4 years ago (2020-12-17)

Posted by Xoriet

CookiEvee this year stepped up to almost singlehandedly run the entire Culture department of NS NPO in 2020 after the departure of the former Pontifex Maximus. He has organized many events, planned out further events, interacted with other regions to participate in cooperative festivals and joint celebrations, and additionally kept track of everything he has done in an organized and orderly manner. His active work has also extended to the Praetorian Guard, working with applications and reporting nations. Furthermore, he built and maintained a bot called Legionarius that documented newly created nations, new WA nations or WA resignations, new World Assembly proposals, and aided in the execution of Legio Pacifica operations. He has also been one of the most active of the Exarchs, and a consistent diplomat in the Diplomatic Corps. CookiEvee's work in NS NPO has certainly been exemplary, and he has committed a great deal of time, effort, and heart into the region and its functions.

Culture Events on which he worked are:

  • Karaoke Night - A gathering of Pacificans in voice chat to sing together.
  • Pokefest - A festival with a Pokemon theme, that involved catching Pokemon, Pokemon Trivia, and Pokemon Battles.
  • Ejection Contest - A continuation of the Pacifican Banhammer, where nations move into a region and try to survive the regional purge based on stats.
  • Book Club - A project to encourage discussion of media and literature among Pacificans.
  • Festival of the Night - A gaming festival which involved friendly competition between Pacificans.
  • Secret Santa - An event to further unify NPOers in the spirit of the holiday season.

Functions of Legionarius:

  • Repeating the GO command for military operations.
  • Looking up target regions.
  • Detailing information about new nations recently founded in The Pacific.
  • Identifying new World Assembly members.
  • Noting World Assembly resignations.
  • Reporting new World Assembly Proposals.