Exceptional service and/or leadership. For those who go above and beyond in their work in an area or who contribute leadership wise to further their respective area.

Awarded 9 years ago (2014-05-07)

Posted by SeasonsofLove

Import 'Diplomatic Medal of Innovation'

We would like to honor another long-time diplomat for his services. Charles II (or Charles de Lafayette) served as Imperial Legate approximately a year ago. During his time as Legate, he spearheaded a push to reform the Diplomatic Corps's internal structure, from new diplomat education to how diplomats were assigned to alliances, in a way that was meant to be more efficient and effective in building relationships and training stronger diplomats. Although Charles, due circumstances outside of the game, was unable to see these to fruition, his dedication to get reforms enacted and push the Diplomatic Corps forward was critical to our continued efficacy. For Charles's efforts, we award him the Diplomatic Medal of Innovation.