Excellent leadership and service to a specific aspect of the Order.

Awarded 4 years ago (2020-03-01)

Posted by Lord of Darkness

Import 'Pacifican Citadel Medal'

Eric the Red and Crayon Empress are each awarded the Pacifican Citadel Medal. Under their leadership, the Academy was likely the best organization for screening and training applicants in all of Politics & War.

Awarded 5 years ago (2018-09-07)

Posted by Lord of Darkness

Import 'Pacifican Citadel Medal'

Eric the Red is an example of a true Pacifican. Eric the Red started his working career as a fantastic squad leader and a dedicated member of House Sitter Guard. Since then, he decided to turn his hand to other departments in Pacifica and has worked tirelessly to contribute to his departments. With his exceptional commitment to high-quality work and positive attitude, EtR excels in everything he does - from his OPSEC work and recruiting in PG, to his work as a member of the Exarchate.