Dedicated activity and participation in the community.

Awarded 13 years ago (2011-07-02)

Posted by Farrin Xies

Import 'Diplomatic Leader of the Month'

This month's Diplo Corps Leader of the Month is actually a collective award for all four Special Envoys - Necoho, Kean, Rogal Dorn, and Makalaure. Being a Special Envoy is a thankless task, as they are consistently asked to do much with very little recognition for it. They constantly put up with me stabbing them and beating them and yet still respond whenever I highlight them (not sure if that shows they're dedicated or just sadists, though...). I enjoy almost every moment working with this crew, and I cannot express how thankful I am for everything they do and continue to do for the alliance on a daily basis. I :wub: my SEs.

Awarded 13 years ago (2011-06-02)

Posted by Farrin Xies

Import 'Diplomatic Leader of the Month'

I'd also like to congratulate Kean, Special Envoy of Sphere 2, as this month's Diplomatic Leader of the Month. I believe that this is either Kean's second or third time to win this award, and he has certainly earned it each time. Kean is consistently a hard-worker and excellent leader, and I look forward to continuing working with him.

Awarded 14 years ago (2010-12-31)

Posted by Farrin Xies

Import 'Diplomatic Leader of the Month'

I'd also like to congratulate Kean, Special Envoy of Sphere 5, as this month's Diplomatic Leader of the Month. All of the Special Envoys are consistently excellent in their work, but Kean seems to like to take it a step beyond. He is definitely an asset to the Diplomatic Corps and to the NPO itself. He's also a pretty keen graphics ninja (see what I did thar?).