Excellent leadership and service to a specific aspect of the Order.

Awarded 10 years ago (2013-07-21)

Posted by Farrin Xies

Import 'Pacifican Medal for Diplomatic Excellence'

The politics of Planet Bob are ever changing and only the best of the best are successful as members of the Diplomatic Corps. While often times the position of Ambassador can be under appreciated and their efforts seem to go unnoticed, I promise you there is nothing further from the truth. Diplomacy is absolutely vital to the success of any alliance and most especially for the New Pacific Order. As a leading alliance in this game we come under attack verbally and are the constant focus of misinformation which is spread by our detractors and enemies alike. Our Ambassadors are the front line soldiers and the voices which bring forth the truth of what is Pacifica.

The job of being a Pacifican Ambassador is not an easy one, never has been and probably never will be. Every member of diplo current and past should be recognized and applauded, however today we honor one who has stood out amongst his peers. Marlboro has represented Pacifica at NATO for over 2 1/2 years which is an amazing tenure never before attained as far as I am aware. His ability to establish relationships and cull information from abroad appear to be effortless due to his competence and stalwart attitude. Internally he is always there to help, inform and encourage his fellow ambassadors. I am thankful to have him as a Comrade and very proud to award him the Pacifican Medal for Diplomatic Excellence!