Exceptional service and/or leadership. For those who go above and beyond in their work in an area or who contribute leadership wise to further their respective area.

Awarded 12 years ago (2011-06-26)

Posted by Farrin Xies

Import 'Diplomatic Distinguished Service Medal'

The first is the Diplomatic Distinguished Service Medal, which is awarded to "for those who have gone above and beyond the call of service, often innovating with new ideas, or dedicating more time to different tasks with the Corps." There were a number of diplomats who were deserving of this award, but I believe the one who has shown himself to be the epitome of what this award calls for is one of the two First Diplomats to Sphere One, Marl Boro. He constantly is the first to do what is asked of him, doing his daily duties in a very high-quality manner, while also always being willing and able to take on whatever tasks he is assigned. It is exciting to work with up-and-coming leaders in the Diplomatic Corps like Marl Boro, and I'm sure he'll continue to excel like he has into the future.