Locked achievements for Necrosin

Politics & War

Aircraft Destroyed, level 7

Destroy 75000 aircraft. Progress: 70166 / 75000

Baseball Matches, level 9

Play 50000 baseball matches. Progress: 47815 / 50000

Damage Dealt, level 10

Deal 10 billion in damage value to other nations during wars. Progress: 7252132001 / 10000000000

Missiles Taken, level 5

Be struck by 100 missiles. Progress: 93 / 100

Money/Resources Looted, level 6

Loot $500 million worth of money and resources. Progress: 253814326 / 500000000

Ships Destroyed, level 8

Destroy 10000 ships. Progress: 5239 / 10000

Tanks Destroyed, level 6

Destroy 250000 tanks. Progress: 236196 / 250000