Dedicated activity and participation in the community.

Awarded 13 years ago (2011-07-02)

Posted by Farrin Xies

Import 'Diplomatic Leader of the Month'

This month's Diplo Corps Leader of the Month is actually a collective award for all four Special Envoys - Necoho, Kean, Rogal Dorn, and Makalaure. Being a Special Envoy is a thankless task, as they are consistently asked to do much with very little recognition for it. They constantly put up with me stabbing them and beating them and yet still respond whenever I highlight them (not sure if that shows they're dedicated or just sadists, though...). I enjoy almost every moment working with this crew, and I cannot express how thankful I am for everything they do and continue to do for the alliance on a daily basis. I :wub: my SEs.

Awarded 13 years ago (2011-06-26)

Posted by Squintus

Import 'Wiki Managers Award'

For his outstanding dedication and hard work on the NPO Wiki we hereby award Rogal Dorn the Wiki Managers Award.

Awarded 14 years ago (2010-12-31)

Posted by Farrin Xies

Import 'Diplomat of the Month'

This month's Diplomat of the Month is Rogal Dorn of Spheres 2 & 4. Though many people were responsible for boosting relations with TIO to the level required for a treaty like we signed, none were as instrumental as Rogal. Numerous members of TIO's government have spoken to me about how great of a representative of the Order Rogal has been for us, and I think he is very well-deserving of this award.