Extended contributions to the community.

Awarded 14 years ago (2010-12-29)

Posted by Red

Import 'Internal Affairs Excellence Award'

Since Teeters return to the New Pacific Order he has excelled in several departments, one of those being the Recruiter Corps. It's a testament to him that he fought to return to the New Pacific Order under the circumstances at the time and that he then dedicated himself to once again serve the departments of the NPO with such vigour. Teeters has served the RC to the highest standard, excelling in his role and completing all tasks put to him.

Awarded 14 years ago (2010-12-18)

Posted by Squintus

Import 'Media Excellence Award'

Teeters has been around for quite some time and upon his return to Pacifica, he has set about a great multitude of tasks in our Graphics department, taking on tons of projects and making some outstanding images. For this, he is hereby bestowed the Media Excellence Award.