Exceptional service and/or leadership. For those who go above and beyond in their work in an area or who contribute leadership wise to further their respective area.

Awarded 9 years ago (2015-12-22)

Posted by Elegarth

Import 'Distinguished Recruiters Cross'

During his tenure as Chief of Recruitment, Tombed never stopped pushing new ideas and improvements and finding ways to achieve our goal to reach 400 members. Due to his great contributions, we are pleased to honor him with the Distinguished Recruiters Cross!

Awarded 16 years ago (2009-02-04)

Posted by Bilrow

Import 'Director's Achievement Medal'

It is my pleasure to award the Director's Achievement Medal for the month of January to Tombed. He is consistent and completes tasks without followup required. He is very well rounded and sets a good example for all of us to follow in Military Intel.