Dedicated activity and participation in the community.

Awarded 15 years ago (2009-12-25)

Posted by Imperial Emperor

Import 'Wiki Managers Award'

Additionally, our many wiki authors work tirelessly to maintain our many pages. It is not always an easy task, an announcement on, say, the changing of a single position in the Order - while being simple enough here - can result in much work on the wiki! An example of this was the change of Emperors, not only did we have to update our main page (New Pacific Order), but we also had to change every page where either Moo was mentioned as Emperor, or where Cortath was mentioned as IO of Technological Affairs - this included their individual pages, where ever Cortath was mentioned in a department or in the many leadership templates we use. Such work and dedication can take many hours, however we are always on the look out for that Wiki Author who puts in just that bit extra. And today it is my pleasure to award the Wiki Manager's Award to a man who puts in his best where ever he can, is innovative and a great comrade to work alongside, so please join me in congratulating Walt Schmidt for his contributions to the wiki!