Politics & War
Money/Resources Looted, level 3
Money/Resources Looted, level 3
CommonLoot $50 million worth of money and resources.
Money/Resources Looted, level 2
CommonLoot $25 million worth of money and resources.
Money/Resources Looted, level 1
CommonLoot $10 million worth of money and resources.
Ships Destroyed, level 2
Ships Destroyed, level 2
CommonDestroy 250 ships.
Ships Destroyed, level 1
CommonDestroy 100 ships.
Tanks Destroyed, level 2
Tanks Destroyed, level 2
CommonDestroy 10000 tanks.
Tanks Destroyed, level 1
CommonDestroy 5000 tanks.
Wars Fought, level 4
Wars Fought, level 4
CommonFight in 50 wars.
Wars Fought, level 3
CommonFight in 25 wars.
Wars Fought, level 2
CommonFight in 10 wars.
Wars Fought, level 1
CommonFight in 5 wars.