Dedicated activity and participation in the community.

Awarded 11 years ago (2013-08-11)

Posted by DarthRevan

Import 'Diplomatic Leader of the Month'

The Diplomatic Corps Leader of the Month Award for this past July goes to DannyTheKiller. He served beside me for a long time when he and I were both Special Envoys, and rivaled me in terms of efficiency. His outstanding service in the Diplomatic Corps does not go unnoticed.

Awarded 11 years ago (2013-07-03)

Posted by SeasonsofLove

Import 'Diplomatic Leader of the Month'

DannyTheKiller has been a great asset to the Diplo Corps, helping ensure the diplomats in his sphere are active and well-prepared to do their duties. With our recent changes in Departmental structure, he has been a critical asset to the department in implementing the new system. DTK has been a rockstar among our fantastic leadership, and for that reason he is the Diplomatic Leader of the Month! Thank you, DTK, for everything and keep on rocking on.

Awarded 12 years ago (2013-02-17)

Posted by Lord Valleo

Import 'Diplomatic Leader of the Month'

Moving on to our internal Diplomatic Awards, today I am going to break tradition and the Diplo Corps Leader of the Month Award is not going to be presented to a single person, but to two great leaders. Charles II and DannyTheKiller are a great team and have managed and led Sphere 2 with great skill and persistence. They have both been very active and their communication has been without compromise. As such Sphere 2 runs just about flawlessly and that alone is a testament to their commitment to the Diplo Corps and the Order as a whole. Thank you Charles and DTK for your work. I look forward to seeing your Sphere continue as an example of greatness within our department!

Awarded 12 years ago (2013-01-08)

Posted by Lord Valleo

Import 'Diplomatic Leader of the Month'

This month's Diplomatic Leadership Award is hereby presented to DannyTheKiller! DTK is one of our new Diplomatic Attaches but he is making a big splash and his presence known. His activity has been outstanding and he is constantly improving and learning. I expect to continue to see great things from him as he continues on his path as a great part of the Diplomatic Leadership Team. Congratulations DannyTheKiller and thank you for your stalwart dedication to service for our great alliance!

Awarded 12 years ago (2012-11-08)

Posted by Lord Valleo

Import 'Diplomat of the Month'

Since my return to the Diplomatic Corps there had been one situation that has remained constant: the activity and positive attitude of DannyTheKiller. The November 2012 Diplomat Award is more than deserved by this comrade who at one point was working 4 different embassies on his own and still looked for more assignments. If rank was based solely on activity and passion, he could be an FAIO today! Thank you for your consistent activity and commitment Danny, it is really appreciated! As your knowledge and political experience increase I truly believe you will become one of the next great leaders within the Diplomatic Corps.