Dedicated Pacifican awards for Euphe
Awarded 2 years ago (2022-08-22)
For service during the ranked war with Legitimate Business. Her extensive effort in maintaining control over the upper tier of Legitimate Business throughout the war with 221 total war hits and assists across all hours of the day was a major contributor to the victory.
Awarded 2 years ago (2022-05-16)
From Strength I'd like to acknowledge our members Euphe (1943), AlphaCenturion (1363) and Trilobyte (1486) for their contributions in our chains over the past year, such an amazing effort makes possible the upgrades that Strength members can enjoy. Additionally I'd like to thank AlphaCenturion and Trilobyte for their contributions to Military Command, particularly during our chains and fighting during our ranked wars.
Awarded 4 years ago (2021-01-01)
In Torn we have many contributors who in their own ways go above and beyond to help our Torn branch, however I think there's no argument that Euphe, from beginning has been a standout. The description of a "Dedicated Pacifican" is dedicated activity and participation in the community, Euphe has (in true Euphe fashion) knocked this description out of the park. Being the all-time leader for average chain hits, most merits for any Pacifican, one of the richest Pacificans (resident 1% ambassador) and basically the luckiest person in Torn (who wins a PI a few months into the game... ?), there's no stat or metric she doesn't excel in. Congratulations on a well deserved award for an outstanding member of our Torn branch.