Cyber Nations
Damage Dealt, level 4
Damage Dealt, level 4
CommonDeal 100,000 damage to other nations in wars.
Damage Dealt, level 3
CommonDeal 50,000 damage to other nations in wars.
Damage Dealt, level 2
CommonDeal 25,000 damage to other nations in wars.
Damage Dealt, level 1
CommonDeal 10,000 damage to other nations in wars.
Nukes Taken, level 4
Nukes Taken, level 4
UncommonNuked 50 times.
Nukes Taken, level 3
CommonNuked 25 times.
Nukes Taken, level 2
CommonNuked 10 times.
Nukes Taken, level 1
CommonNuked 5 times.
Tech Sent, level 6
Tech Sent, level 6
RareSend 50000 units of technology.
Tech Sent, level 5
UncommonSend 25000 units of technology.
Tech Sent, level 4
CommonSend 10000 units of technology.
Tech Sent, level 3
CommonSend 5000 units of technology.
Tech Sent, level 2
CommonSend 2500 units of technology.
Tech Sent, level 1
CommonSend 1000 units of technology.
Wars Fought, level 3
Wars Fought, level 3
CommonFight in 25 wars.
Wars Fought, level 2
CommonFight in 10 wars.
Wars Fought, level 1
CommonFight in 5 wars.