Politics & War
Aircraft Destroyed, level 5
Aircraft Destroyed, level 5
RareDestroy 25000 aircraft.
Aircraft Destroyed, level 4
CommonDestroy 10000 aircraft.
Aircraft Destroyed, level 3
CommonDestroy 5000 aircraft.
Aircraft Destroyed, level 2
CommonDestroy 2500 aircraft.
Aircraft Destroyed, level 1
CommonDestroy 1000 aircraft.
Baseball Matches, level 10
Baseball Matches, level 10
EpicPlay 100000 baseball matches.
Baseball Matches, level 9
EpicPlay 50000 baseball matches.
Baseball Matches, level 8
RarePlay 25000 baseball matches.
Baseball Matches, level 7
RarePlay 10000 baseball matches.
Baseball Matches, level 6
UncommonPlay 5000 baseball matches.
Baseball Matches, level 5
UncommonPlay 2500 baseball matches.
Baseball Matches, level 4
CommonPlay 1000 baseball matches.
Baseball Matches, level 3
CommonPlay 500 baseball matches.
Baseball Matches, level 2
CommonPlay 250 baseball matches.
Baseball Matches, level 1
CommonPlay 100 baseball matches.
Damage Dealt, level 8
Damage Dealt, level 8
RareDeal 2.5 billion in damage value to other nations during wars.
Damage Dealt, level 7
UncommonDeal 1 billion in damage value to other nations during wars.
Damage Dealt, level 6
CommonDeal 500 million in damage value to other nations during wars.
Damage Dealt, level 5
CommonDeal 250 million in damage value to other nations during wars.
Damage Dealt, level 4
CommonDeal 100 million in damage value to other nations during wars.
Damage Dealt, level 3
CommonDeal 50 million in damage value to other nations during wars.
Damage Dealt, level 2
CommonDeal 25 million in damage value to other nations during wars.
Damage Dealt, level 1
CommonDeal 10 million in damage value to other nations during wars.
Missiles Taken, level 3
Missiles Taken, level 3
UncommonBe struck by 25 missiles.
Missiles Taken, level 2
CommonBe struck by 10 missiles.
Missiles Taken, level 1
CommonBe struck by 5 missiles.
Money/Resources Looted, level 5
Money/Resources Looted, level 5
UncommonLoot $250 million worth of money and resources.
Money/Resources Looted, level 4
CommonLoot $100 million worth of money and resources.
Money/Resources Looted, level 3
CommonLoot $50 million worth of money and resources.
Money/Resources Looted, level 2
CommonLoot $25 million worth of money and resources.
Money/Resources Looted, level 1
CommonLoot $10 million worth of money and resources.
Nukes Taken, level 3
Nukes Taken, level 3
UncommonNuked 10 times.
Nukes Taken, level 2
UncommonNuked 5 times.
Nukes Taken, level 1
CommonNuked 1 time.
Ships Destroyed, level 6
Ships Destroyed, level 6
RareDestroy 2500 ships.
Ships Destroyed, level 5
UncommonDestroy 1000 ships.
Ships Destroyed, level 4
UncommonDestroy 750 ships.
Ships Destroyed, level 3
CommonDestroy 500 ships.
Ships Destroyed, level 2
CommonDestroy 250 ships.
Ships Destroyed, level 1
CommonDestroy 100 ships.
Tanks Destroyed, level 4
Tanks Destroyed, level 4
UncommonDestroy 50000 tanks.
Tanks Destroyed, level 3
CommonDestroy 25000 tanks.
Tanks Destroyed, level 2
CommonDestroy 10000 tanks.
Tanks Destroyed, level 1
CommonDestroy 5000 tanks.
Wars Fought, level 5
Wars Fought, level 5
UncommonFight in 100 wars.
Wars Fought, level 4
CommonFight in 50 wars.
Wars Fought, level 3
CommonFight in 25 wars.
Wars Fought, level 2
CommonFight in 10 wars.
Wars Fought, level 1
CommonFight in 5 wars.